3 Major Signs You're Ready For A Rebrand

Have you been going back and forth, in what seems like a never-ending cycle, to try and figure out if your business needs a rebrand? Well I am here to help you figure out if now is the right time! Maybe some things that are holding you back are the investment, the time commitment, or the lack of creativity you’re feeling. Maybe you’re telling yourself that you can’t justify spending that much right now. Or maybe you’re telling yourself that you have no time to commit to working with a designer, or even DIY-ing it. Maybe you’re even thinking that you don’t have a creative vision for it right now, so it must not be time.

Well I am here to tell you that none of those things should be holding you back… and here’s why.

There's that age-old saying, "you've got to spend money to make money". That statement is so relevant. Only when I have invested in my own business, have I seen the return. It's super scary to do it, but you'll never know until you try. Save up, invest, and I promise you'll see the return.

And then there’s the time thing. Think of your time as an investment too. If you invest your time, you’ll see the return. Maybe this is a season in your business where you have to work some longer hours. Maybe you need to pull the laptop back out after you’ve finished dinner, or put your kids to bed. I get it, it’s not exactly fun, and it’s not a great way to work long-term. But the good thing is that the rebrand process is a season. It’s a season in your business that will come and go. So invest the time, and you’ll see the return!

Ok, about the creativity thing… the best thing about working with a designer is that THEY are the creative ones. They are the ones who can take that burden off of you. You just have to let them do their thing!

So… here are the 3 major signs that you are ready for a rebrand!

  1. You are having a hard time connecting with your target audience

    Does your ideal customer seem extremely out of reach? If your ideal customer is not purchasing your products or services and they aren’t engaging on your social pages, there’s a BIG chance that your brand just simply isn’t connecting with them. Your designer’s job is to fully understand who your target audience is, so that your brand can connect with them. Think about brands you buy from, engage with, or recommend to your friends. Do those brands have an engaging brand story? There’s a good chance that they do! And that’s something that your brand needs to communicate. That DIY logo you bought for $30 off Etsy is not your brand. Your brand is SO much more than a logo. It’s a visual and emotional feeling that a person gets from your business, which can be communicated through many different mediums. So if your target audience seems out of reach, it’s definitely time to rebrand.

  2. You are embarrassed to direct potential customers to your social media or website

    I recently had a client reach out to me and say that she was embarrassed to send potential customers to her website because it didn’t represent her, her work, or her business at all. She had a dated logo that was disconnected from the work that she did, and she had a simple website that wasn’t exactly user-friendly. She knew that she couldn’t continue to grow her business if she was embarrassed to send people to her website. If this is something you are feeling too, then it’s definitely time to rebrand!

  3. You aren’t standing out in your industry

    Let’s be honest, every industry has competition. It’s just the nature of it. Do you feel like your competitors are excelling, connecting with their target audience, and making sales, but you aren’t? Maybe your business isn’t standing out in your industry. Your competitors product or service might not even be better than yours, but it seems like they’re doing better overall. You might have the far superior product on the market, but your brand just might not be marketing your product the way it should be. If that’s the case, then it’s time to rebrand!

There are many other factors that go into why you might be ready to rebrand. It’s different for every person and every business. But if you resonate with one or all of these, then it’s definitely time to start thinking about making that investment.

If you have any questions, or feel like you’re still not sure, send us a message! We are happy to hop on a consultation call with you to determine if now is the right time for you and your business. We truly want what’s best for you and we want your business to succeed!

XO, Victoria


What I've Learned After 6 Years In Business


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