3 Business Mindsets To Carry Into 2023

Happy New Year, friends! Yes, we know it’s been a couple of weeks since we celebrated the coming of 2023, but we still wanted to welcome you back to our *first* blog post of the year.

Whether you’ve got tons of new targets and goals you want to achieve in your business, or if you’re simply making things up as you go, we thought we’d share a few business mindsets that would be helpful for you to adopt in the months ahead.

We hope that whatever 2023 brings your way, you’d be proud of the hard work you put into growing your business and creating the life of your dreams everyday. So, take a moment to look towards this new year with anticipation and scribble these mindsets down in your planner or journal to come back to later…

  1. NUMBERS AREN’T everything.

    More followers, more likes, more sales… are all good things when it comes to growing your business! But something important to keep in mind is that the number you currently have at the top of your Instagram page or the number of sales you made in a week doesn’t necessarily have to determine your long-term success. At the end of the day, what really counts is having a loyal community of clients/customers that keep coming back to your stand-out brand.

  2. growth takes time and my time will come.

    Entrepreneurship is easy – said no one ever! If you have a heart set on a big goal in your business such as rebranding, building a new website, launching a new product, or growing your team, we understand that the work that goes into these big goals can be strenuous and overwhelming.

    You may find yourself wanting to give into feelings of discouragement or even despair when reaching for the goals you’ve set. Just like how winter eventually turns into spring, we believe that you will also experience a season of seeing the goals you’ve set for your business come into fruition. Good things take time!

  3. THEIR success doesn’t take away from my potential.

    Ah, the comparison struggle. It truly is the thief of joy. Since almost every business uses social media to shout from the rooftops about how great their product or service is, it can be easy to fall into the trap of believing that you aren’t or cannot become as successful as another brand or competitor in your industry.

    We wanted to remind you that another entrepreneur’s (or business’) success is not your failure. Look at other businesses' growth and milestones as a source of inspiration to keep on doing the work you need to do to get to where you want to be.

We’d love to know if these mindset shifts were helpful! Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more business, marketing, branding tips!

That’s all for now friends, thanks for stopping by!

XO, Victoria & the V&CO Team


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