V&CO Turns 7!

Today marks V&CO Design Studio's 7th year in business!

Wow! Don’t ask me how the time has flown by so quickly… It seems like just yesterday I was building a stationery company (V SHOP) from the ground up. Yes, for those that are new around here, before I fully committed to branding and web design, I was designing calendars, prints, notecards, notepads and so much more!

Fast forward seven years and this business is currently in its biggest season of growth ever! Gone are the days of a one woman show, as I now have a village of support around me including my incredible husband, family and amazing V&CO team members. We are consistently booking clients in within our target audience, and this year especially we’ve been honoured to work with some of our DREAM clients. There’s so much to celebrate and so much to be grateful for.

But I need to be honest here too. The journey hasn’t always been what I expected. There’s been all sorts of twists and turns that I didn’t anticipate. More than once I’ve had to learn lessons the hard way. But looking back now I wouldn’t change a single thing about the journey because not only has it brought V&CO to where it is today, but it’s also shaped who I am too.

As we kick off another year of business, I’m returning to my roots. No, no, no. I’m not reviving any of those beloved V SHOP Calendar designs. But I am intentionally choosing to remember why I started this whole thing to begin with and refusing to settle for anything less. So, here’s to another year, a chance to reflect, learn, reset and charge ahead with fresh vision! You with me?

I can’t say thank you enough for supporting us each and every step along the way. We couldn’t do all this without you.

Want to see some of our favourite highlights from the last 7 years of V&CO? Head to our Instagram to watch us recap it all in less than 60 seconds! See you over on the ‘gram.

XO, Victoria


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